Sunday, August 1, 2010
This blog has moved!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy 4th of July
I worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week so yesterday was a lazy day to catch up on much needed rest. Mike started working on putting rocks out on the portion of the lawn he calls the hell strip - the grass/weed area between the sidewalk and the road. Every year that area becomes an awful overgrowth of nothing more than weeds. We talked about sodding but that's a lot of sod so we instead decided on rocks (pictures to come) which makes me very happy - I HATE pulling those weeds every year.
Today I ran errands while Mike did more rock work and then off to a burrito party for dinner and back home early since I have to work tomorrow and Monday then start getting ready for my trip to Kansas to see my sister, mom, and nephew next weekend!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Seriously this is June!!
That said, it was a nice surprise to be cost contained (too many nurses scheduled, not enough patients) this morning and I have spent a very lazy day in the house. It was especially nice because I was scheduled for 5 days in a row so I broke up my stretch right in the middle. Mike is working on a design for his 2nd paying job with a 3rd on the horizon and I have been catching up on reading and researching on the Internet. Now off to run random errands I probably don't need to do but it's time to get out of the house. I was about to head to the Y until I realized that they all close at 7:00 on Saturdays. What, doesn't anyone want to work out on Saturday nights? Or am I just a weirdo?
I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend. I'm off to work in the morning!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Summer work projects
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Crazy Cat Antics
Here's a clue...
Can't figure it out?? Here's a closer view --
The best I can figure out is that either Oliver was walking on the table while we were out one day (because honestly, Moose doesn't walk on the table but Oliver most definitely does) or Trucker knocked it off when he stole my cookies from the table (that's another story, of course) and then one of the cats, Moose, I think, was playing with it like a toy and knocked it down the vent. I still don't know exactly how we will get it from there, but Mike assures me when he gets home from work today he'll figure out a way. Until then, it's off to bed - and to laugh at silly cat antics. They sure are lucky we love them!!
Happy New Year!
So from Mike and I to you, happy holidays and a joyful and healthy new year!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
For the 5 people who haven't lost faith in my blogging abilities...
Apparently it is big news that Denver is getting up to 2 feet of snow over the past couple of days. I, however, have been at work a lot of this time so haven't gotten to enjoy much of it. Here are some pictures, though. We went out and played with Trucker in the snow this evening and got some video so I'm working on editing that to put it together (I have never edited video before so that may take a little bit). When I measured with a tape measure in the backyard this afternoon I got measurements anywhere from 15 - 18 inches. I'm not sure that I was all the way to the ground and I think the official measurement was closer to 2 feet, but I'll just go with what I measured. Needless to say, I didn't get snow like this growing up! And by the way, Atlanta would be shut down for days with snow like this!! But man is it fun!
View of the house from the corner

Trucker didn't quite know what to do with himself - or where to go to the bathroom - when I first let him out because the snow was so high